School Information

Uninterrupted Learning
Uninterrupted learning time is important for student success. To ensure students have this time, the period of time from 8:45 – 11:15 has been set aside as “uninterrupted time.”

Arrival at School
School begins at 8:45 for Kindergarten - 5th. Children are allowed to come on the playground at 8:15 a.m. when supervision is provided. For your children’s safety, they are not to arrive before this time. Please make plans for them if you must leave for work at an earlier time.

Drop Off / Pick Up

All students should be dropped off in the designated student drop off/pick up area. At no time should you leave your car unattended in the student drop off/pick up lane.  At dismissal, students sit by grade level in front of the school and wait for their car.

Change of Dismissal Plans
Your child will be sent home directly after school. If a change in the normal routine is requested, communication from the parents is necessary.

There is no provision for children to play on campus after class dismissal. STUDENTS ARE EXPECTED TO GO DIRECTLY HOME AFTER CLASS DISMISSAL.

Leaving School Early
Students may not leave school early unless they are signed out and picked up in the office by a parent or other person authorized on the emergency card. The office must have all names in writing, even relatives.

Change of Address/Phone Number
If you should have a change in your address, phone number, or emergency phone numbers, please notify the office immediately. In the event your child becomes ill or is injured, authorized persons must be able to be contacted.

Visitors on Campus
Visitors are required to sign in at the school office before entering the school grounds or classrooms. Classroom and teacher visitations are welcomed, but advance arrangements with the teacher are needed. Visitors will receive an identification badge at the office.

Bike Riders
Students in grades 4 and 5 are permitted to ride bicycles to school provided they first sign a bike contract with the school. Children must obey all safety rules and wear helmets. Children should walk their bikes on the sidewalk and across the crosswalk. All bicycles should be licensed and for proper protection from theft. Students who violate rules of safety can lose the privilege of riding their bikes.

Hawk Wednesday Envelopes
The Wednesday envelope containing important information from Knob Hill and your child’s weekly work is sent home on Wednesdays. Keep the material; sign and return the envelope the next day.

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